15:00 CET, 29 June 2023
In the frame of the round table will be discussed the value-based approaches for the development of mass housing estates in different countries. The focus is devoted to current challenges and perspectives on the modernist housing transformations including topics like renewal policy decision-making, community engagement, challenges and limitations.
- What were the primary objectives of the mass housing transformation programs?
- What was the impact of these programs on other city policies and their influence on other mass housing areas? Analyzing the local/global strategy implemented.
- How were the outcomes evaluated in terms of successes and setbacks, and what valuable lessons were derived from these experiences?
- What potential approaches to spatial transformations can be considered for future endeavors?
15:00: Welcome // about CBC
Anastasia Malko
Ph.D. Senior Researcher Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
15:05: Governing Public Spaces in Housing Estates: Insights from Estonia
Tauri Tuvikene
Professor of Urban Studies, Tallinn University
15:20: The Transformation of the Havana Housing Estates in Budapest, Hungary
Adrienne Csizmady
Research Professor at the Institute for Sociology, Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, and Associated Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Szeged, Hungary
15:35: Community-driven transformations in the public open space of large housing estates
Alisa Korolova
Ph.D. Researcher, Assistant. Prof., Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture
15:50: Open Common Discussion
© Alisa Korolova, 2020
© Tauri Tuvikene, 2012