Spatial and functional transformations of Budapest’s large housing estates

Budapest’s thirteen large housing estates (LHEs) were realized between 1965-90. Then, following the privatization of their housing stock, different renewal approaches were introduced in the 21st century. As the municipalities own the open spaces between buildings, every district started to manage and develop its housing estates using public funds. Some had “integrated social urban rehabilitation programs” or important urban infrastructure developments co-financed by the EU and the state. But a competition system introduced by the Municipality of Budapest in 2013 generated small, efficient interventions based on the cooperation of the local actors. The lecture focuses on these public programs resulting spatial and functional transformations in LHEs.


Melinda BENKŐ (PhD and habilitation in Architecture) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. Her research, academic, and professional activities focus on contemporary urban design theory and practice related to urban form and space usage. Living and teaching in Budapest, Ms Benkő participates in international cooperation related to urban housing (UrbAct Re-Block, Cost Action on Middle Class Mass Housing, Docomomo, etc.), and organizes international academic programs in her home university, for example, a doctoral conference series about post-socialist urban heritage.


Date: Tuesday, 23 May at 16:00 (CET)

Meeting-ID: 985 7640 9544 | Code: CBCTLK


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